Friday, August 27, 2010

the world is right

i'm sitting in my comfy bed with a napping Bean in my lap and a snoring Poet beside me. i've done three loads of laundry and worked my way through half a pot of coffee. the good coffee. not just the regular coffee. the amazingly dry roasted hazelnut flavored black gold that i bought from my favorite coffee shop here in big town, ky. i save that coffee for special days.

what is so special about today? well...i'm not sure. maybe it's the fact that i'm finally settling in to my new role as a stay at home mom and wife. maybe it's the prospect of getting out of the house for the weekend and hanging with the parents in small town, ky. or maybe it's just that this little blonde haired (or maybe it's red), blue eyed wonder of a son just fits so perfectly into the crook of my neck. whatever it is, i'm grateful for the perfectly awesome flavor and boost of caffeine.

it could be that it just feels like fall today and that is enough to make any day at the end of summer special. this morning as i was taking some bills to the mailbox it was chilly. i almost went back in and got a sweater just so that the feeling of fall was complete. i stepped outside just now with a sleeping Bean nestled against me and i swear i could smell fall. the sky is that perfect shade of blue that looks amazing with the leaves against it and it wasn't too hot. i would have been perfectly comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. oh, and i saw my first brownish leaf drift lazily on the wind.

it is a special day.

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