Friday, September 10, 2010

thursday in the park

today was our first trip to the park. the heat finally settled down and i gathered up all our gear and headed out.

one of the luxuries of being a stay at home mom is getting to go to the park when the light makes my little look like an angel. it bounces off his reddish blond hair and tickles his perfect little toes.

we went for a ride on the swings and his face lit up with a smile the size of california! it was amazing! we lay on blankets in the cool shade of a perfect tree, read books, babbled back and forth, had a picnic (well, he had a bottle) and played the tongue game. he sticks his out, i stick mine out!

i love being The Bean's momma. it gives me purpose. not that i didn't have purpose before, but being unemployed sometimes leaves me feeling...well, purposeless. but then i just look at him! he's the reason i keep doing what we're doing. becoming who we are becoming. together. growing our little family into....our own version of happiness. a happiness that doesn't always come easy. but you know what, we CHOOSE to be happy. it is a choice and we make it daily.

it has been a long journey, getting to this place. and really what is this place but a stop in the long journey towards who we are becoming? this journey that is full of paths that i am proud of and full of dark alleyways that i'm not so proud of. who would i be without those alleys? certainly not this woman. this wife. this momma.

and you know what? i like where i'm going. i like who i am. and by golly, i like this journey we are on!

happy to be sarah!

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